Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Jews in Christian Art: An Illustrated History

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Price : $120.00
Post Date : Oct 30, 2011 23:06:22
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Much has been written about the fate of the Jews in the two thousand years of Christian history and about the portrayal of Judaism and the Jews by Christian theologians and people of the Church. But The Jews in Christian Art is one of the first works to consider art as a serious source of historical knowledge about the Jews and the ideological constructs developed around them by Christian thinkers and artists. Just as the statuary and glass windows of the cathedrals of the Middle Ages constituted the "Bible of the Poor", so this "picture atlas" demonstrates in a way no text can how Jews were seen through Christian eyes.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Water Management at Abandoned Flooded Underground Mines: Fundamentals, Tracer Tests, Modelling, Water Treatment (Mining and the Environment)

!: Cheaper Water Management at Abandoned Flooded Underground Mines: Fundamentals, Tracer Tests, Modelling, Water Treatment (Mining and the Environment) Right now

Brand : | Rate : | Price : $172.82
Post Date : Oct 21, 2011 07:36:20 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Switching off the pumps of a mine is one of the last steps in the lifetime of a surface or underground mine. As the water in the open space raises, the water might become contaminated with different pollutants and eventually starts to flow in the open voids. This book addresses the processes related to mine abandonment from a hydrogeological perspective. After an introduction to the relevant hydrogeochemical processes the book gives detailed information about mine closure procedures. Based on in-situ measurements the hydrodynamic processes in a flooded mine are described and some of the mine closure flow models exemplified. As all investigations base on precise data, the book gives some key issues of monitoring and sampling, especially flow monitoring. Then the book shows some new methodologies for conducting tracer tests in flooded mines and gives some hints to passive mine water treatment. At the end 13 well investigated case studies of flooded underground mine and mine water tracer tests are described and interpreted from a hydrodynamic point of view.

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Water Management at Abandoned Flooded Underground Mines: Fundamentals, Tracer Tests, Modelling, Water Treatment (Mining and the Environment)

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Christian Drug Treatment Center - Find Out If It's Right For You

!: Christian Drug Treatment Center - Find Out If It's Right For You

A new addition to treatment centers is the introduction of the Christian Drug Treatment Center. This new development is designed to address the issues of drug abuse through a spiritual focus. By using an emphasis in religion, many people have found this treatment method to be very helpful in getting them lasting recovery. Although treatments will vary somewhat from center to center, here are few things that these centers all have in common.

1. Focus on Christian principles.

At the center of any Christian drug treatment center will be an emphasis on Christian principles. This focus is geared towards doing internal exploration surrounding the issues of the person's drug abuse and can take on the form of prayer, scripture reading, group discussions, and more. The emphasis here will be help center the individual through the use of the principles.

2. Blending of Holistic and Modern Medicine.

Many programs will take on aspects of modern and holistic treatments to help with the detox phase and later in the process. Modern medicine and psychology are also used to help in counseling sessions and group discussions. The aim here is the same as most treatment centers which is to teach the person how to live without drugs and avoid relapses. This can take the form of action steps towards creating good relationships, avoiding bad situations, and developing personal skills to help better handle the real world once on-site treatment ends.

3. Development of religious focus in the person's life.

One main aspect of this type of program is the need to fill the void missing in many drug abuser's lives. The goal is to fill this void with religion. By having a focus on religion that begins in treatment, the person can carry this forward allowing them to lead a richer life.

Although a Christian drug treatment center may not be right for everyone, many people have benefited by its services.  

Christian Drug Treatment Center - Find Out If It's Right For You

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